Julie February 06, 2024Sarah De Jonge Inspired by 1000 Hearts, Julie created an opportunity for young Balinese people to participate in their community and generate sustainable livelihoods.
Carolyn February 06, 2024Sarah De Jonge Carolyn is addicted to making hearts, and finds inspiration everywhere...
Linda February 06, 2024Sarah De Jonge Following a serious motor vehicle accident, Linda sews hearts to aid her recovery.
Burnie Regional Arts Gallery February 06, 2024Sarah De Jonge In a lovely little seaside town in Tasmania, there is a fabulous museum and art gallery. And in the museum and art gallery, there is a bunch of wonderful heartists,...
Jules' Story November 08, 2023Dominic Anastasio A passionate and involved heartist, Jules honours us with the darkness and light of her beautiful heart in this story.